so, here is my .....
#1 Treatment for snoring is a must Don't delay-Just get it done, else kill him in his sleep.
#3 Husband's in the kitchen Ladies, it is not an appealing sight, especially if you think of all the mess he is going to leave behind later. Always have a written agreement as per who is responsible for the clean up. And if the guilty party fails to do so, a planned punishment can be handed out to them.
#4 A wife gets a right to hit the roof if the husband doesn't listen twice And a husband only gets once chance to ignore wife. So you think I am on the wives' side. well, I am. Don't forget I too know how it feels like to repeat endlessly the same sentence to a husband who just filters you out. Think it's funny, only till I am around. The moment I am needed and not available you going to hear the messages on mobile phone."How many sugar/coffee?", "Where is the socks?","where is that jacket".
#5 Not saying something negative is not equal to saying something positive Don't outright flatter us, but just let us know in a few words and gestures why we mean so much to you. If you like something say so. We won't hold it against you.
#6 Home cooked meals and take aways Even though I love to cook food, sometimes I like to be fed. And not just omelette,rice & salad, but something beyond the husband's culinary talents, also bear in mind the issue #3 stated above.
#7 seven year itch.... It is an Itch....
#8 Share the gossip Husbands, if you presume we think of you as gossipless creatures, you are wrong. And if a little harmless gosssip can bring a couple closer why not. So let us know what is brewing hot in your world.
#9 Now you are used to being married and itches... It's almost time for a Diamond.
Didn't work out??? Ok Its time for divorce.
I am sad. I thought the secret of a happy marriage was to IGNORE what the wife says.
Actually, my wife says a good husband knows what to ignore and what to listen to. I fail miserably - as I listen and give weight to all my wife says. Then when she says rubbish and I get hurt, she calls me fragile for listening.
Ahhhh, women are so wonderous. I actually like Christina Aguilera's new song how she says she will be a 'super bitch today, but she will be ok tomorrow'.
The problem is women expect the guy to ignore completely the super bitch days (like he know when these are?) and completely listen to the 'regular days'.
Well, and you guessed it, the super bitch / regular can switch on and off in a second. So the guy is forever trying to figure out if what just came from the woman's mouth is to be ignore or to be valued.
And all women sigh and just say 'it is obvious'. *sigh* back to you... it aint freaking obvious.
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